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Cathedral Of the Soul

Sacred Knowledge of the Universe


 We are all Cathedral Builders.


The Cathedral of the Soul is a Temple of Light and Energy within the heart of every Human Being.

The Cathedral represents the archetypical image of our inner voyage towards the discovery of the Divine essence within. Sacred Cathedral architecture is inspired by the spiritual Being, and represents the internal alchemical sanctuary which is built in honor of God. The sacred edifice is built in harmony with nature, honoring the energetic flow, this way it can last for thousands of years, ever unfolding and blooming towards the wheels of eternity.  Usually, Holy places and their sacred architecture inspire all of us, not only by their transcendent beauty and mystery, but also by the years of hard and anonymous work by countless artisans, laborers, architects, sculptors, and painters that brought them to existence.


Sacred architecture, such as the Great Pyramids of Giza, Stonehenge, Teotihuacan, St. Peter’s Basilica, Montserrat, Hagia Sophia, and countless other ancient cathedrals, temples, mosques, shrines are symbolic of the architecture of the soul.


It is a slow and patient process, the one of building our Inner temple, as the Sacred Sanctum must be raised upon our original soul spark. Their process resembles the evolution of the human soul, in the trailing the path of return to God.

The Cathedral represents the brightness of the ethereal heart that appears in successive incarnations, and that never becomes extinguished, but it is intricated on an ever-ending evolving stream. Just as the other Sacred architectural buildings, the great cathedrals are built as sacred ground to bring together worshippers in prayer and devotion. The inner temple is constructed so that our Inner God may always be present within us, this way healing the original wound of separation, caused by fall.  In the words of the New Testament, the Second coming of the Christ would be one from inside the sanctum of our own hearts.

Cathedral of the Soul is an ancient concept that comes to us through the various Ageless Wisdom Traditions. This perception embodies the timeless truth that the Holy Spirit dwells inside of our heart temples, and that everything inside of creation is inherently sacred.



The sun of truth rises in the human being
and illuminates his world
when he lifts his mind from the
darkness of ignorance and selfishness

into the light of wisdom and altruism.
-Samael Aun Weor

Sacred Architecture Of the Soul
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